Best Furnaces for Heating Your Home

By: Smart Zero Home
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A high efficiency furnace, can ensure less energy usage for the same furnace size. The two most important criteria that you should be considering when purchasing a furnace are its size (measured in BTUs) and its efficiency (measured in AFUE).

See our guide on choosing the best furnace for your home. Foorja's intelligent design generator - iDesigner, generates the best furnace specifications (the most cost-effective furnace with the highest impact) custom designed specifically for your home.

Size of the Furnace (in BTUs) and its Efficiency (in AFUE) are two important selection criteria

We have analyzed hundreds of Furnace options available in the market (using our copyrighted "5-parameter" rating system) and have had feedback from customers, retailers and contractors, to identify the best Furnace available in the market today. Please use our proprietary platform 'Intelligent Designer' to be matched to the identified top products in the market.